Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Democrats gaining ground

     A Texas Observer article, "Have Texas Democrats Already Won?", points out the reralistic chances of  Democratic candidate Bill White winning the race for Governer. It tells how recent polls show that the margin between Perry and White is rapidly shrinking. The article sites the fact that Texas has become a non-Anglo majority state as big reason for Whites projected success. The voting pattern is begining to reflect the demographic, giving Texas Democrats a reason to be optomistic about the future. Even if Perry wins in a close election this will be a victory for the Democratic party. There is a nation-wide belief that Texas is an unbreakable Republican stronghold. A strong showing for White in the polls may begin to shift the point of view of candidates for national positions. Most Democratic Presidential candidates put little effort into campaigning Texas because they view it as a lost cause, and Democratic candidates for congress usually get very little national support. Maybe a close loss for the Texas Democrats will be thier biggest victory in a long time.